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Vol. 6, Issue 6 (2017)

An updated review on phyto-pharmacological and pharmacognostical profile of Amaranthus tricolor: A herb of nutraceutical potentials

Rajani Srivastava
Amaranthus tricolor (Family-Amaranthaceae) purple red colour leafy vegetable consumed as nutraceutical herb in Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal. It has wide distribution in India as well as South Africa also used as pseudo-cereals in Europe and America. It is a promising food crop mainly due to its resistance to heat, drought, diseases and pests, and the high nutritional value of both seeds and leaves. Leaves are rich in proteins and micronutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin C and vitamin A. Amaranthus tricolor known as lal saag in various parts of India, other popular names are Joseph’s coat or red amaranth, Chinese Spinach, Garden Amaranth, Fountain Plant etc. Maarisha-rakta is the name used in ayurveda. Laal Shaak, Laal Marashaa are folk names of Amaranthus tricolor. This plant reported in ayurveda as astringent in menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, dysentery, diarrhoea, haemorrhagic colitis; also used in cough, bronchitis and externally used as emollient. It has been used for the treatment of piles, blood disorders, bladder distress, tooth ache, dysentery and as astringent, diuretic, haemorrhage and hepatoprotective action. The aim of present study is to provide updated information of Amaranthus tricolor through extensive literature survey of past 20 years regarding its pharmacognostical and phytopharmacological profile. The various literatures collected through E-journals of SHUATS for example CeRA, Scopus, Springer, Science direct and Google scholar.
Pages: 124-129  |  2447 Views  730 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
Rajani Srivastava. An updated review on phyto-pharmacological and pharmacognostical profile of Amaranthus tricolor: A herb of nutraceutical potentials. Pharma Innovation 2017;6(6):124-129.

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