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Vol. 11, Special Issue 1 (2022)

Costs and returns and input-output ratio of lentil on different size group of farms in Lakhimpur (Kheri) district of Uttar Pradesh

Ilma Zeb, Mantasha Athar and Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Lentil pulse crop on account of their vital role in nutritional security and soil ameliorative properties have been an integral part of sustainable agriculture since ages. The decrease in production and shrinkage in the area of pulse crops in Lakhimpur (Kheri), Uttar Pradesh is a cause of great concern. Keeping in view the importance of Lentil pulse crop as a source of nutritional security, income and employment generation in its cultivation, disposal and industrial uses, a study on “Costs and returns and input-output ratio of lentil on different size group of farms in Lakhimpur (Kheri) district of Uttar Pradesh” was conducted.
Main objectives were to analyse the costs and returns and input-output ratio of lentil on different size group of farms. One hundred respondents were selected from Mitauli block of Lakhimpur (Kheri) district including all three categories of the farm size. Tabular and functional analyses were done to find out the results. The total cost of production incurred by the small farms were high as compared to medium and large farms. The gross returns obtained per hectare by large size farms were high as compare to medium size farms and small size farms respectively. The disposable pattern of lentils shown in the table reveals that Total production was highest in large size farms (16.8 quintals) as compared to medium size farms (15.1 quintals) and small size farms (15 quintals).
Pages: 223-227  |  703 Views  392 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Ilma Zeb, Mantasha Athar and Dr. Sanjay Kumar. Costs and returns and input-output ratio of lentil on different size group of farms in Lakhimpur (Kheri) district of Uttar Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(1S): 223-227.

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