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Vol. 10, Special Issue 8 (2021)

Studies on seasonal incidence of pod borer complex in field bean

Chamundeswari N, Venkateswarlu NC, Chalam MSV and Mohan Naidu G
The present study was carried out in three different dates of sowing (D1, D2, D3) during Rabi, 2020-21 to know the seasonal incidence of pod borer complex in field bean. The spotted pod borer (Maruca vitrata), tobacco caterpillar (Spodoptera litura), blue butterfly (Lampoides boieticus) and pea pod borer (Etiella zinkeinella) were found to infest the crop with varying intensities. The peak population of M. vitrata (3.40 larvae/plant) was recorded in 01 SW of D2, S. litura (1.60 larvae/plant) in 02 SW of D3, L. boieticus (1.90 larvae/plant) in 02 SW of D2 and E. zinkeinella (1.20 larvae/plant) in 01 SW of D1. In the D3 sown crop, the evening relative humidity showed significant positive correlation with population of tobacco caterpillar (r = 0.706) and significant negative correlation with pea pod borer (r = -0.634), respectively whereas sunshine hours had shown significant negative correlation with tobacco caterpillar (r = -0.622) and significant positive correlation with L. boiticus (r = 0.706) and E. zinkeinella (r = 0.651). There was significant negative correlation between population of tobacco caterpillar and maximum temperature (r = -0.652) as well as pea pod borer and minimum temperature (r = -0.643).
Pages: 144-151  |  574 Views  260 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Chamundeswari N, Venkateswarlu NC, Chalam MSV and Mohan Naidu G. Studies on seasonal incidence of pod borer complex in field bean. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 144-151.

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